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This product of my labours – at the end of the day – literally took me only about 30 minutes to draw up and probably the simplest specimen I could have found.  I usually find more complex leaves are much more interesting and enjoyable to draw because I enjoy the challenges of these intricacies.  But for a change I just wanted to draw something quick and easy to leave me feeling I had kept my word to myself to do what I said I was going to do and add this to the little steps I’m taking to create this habit of drawing something every day.  I would have been happier had I done this at the start of the day because each day we apparently only have so little willpower, and, as I’ve observed it does evaporate far too quickly so that by mid-day my small pool of energy is spent on firefighting rather than getting the things done that I want to get done.  I felt really great as if I’d achieved a major breakthrough spurred on by knowing that I have so little time over the next weeks to do anything other than commute between here and there.

This brings me back to the reason for choosing such a simple leaf because it was more important for me to draw a leaf and finish it than to spend my time drawing a leaf that I’d love to draw.

2015-09-09 20.51.54


  1. It is important to choose subjects that you want to draw and paint. And simple leaves can be difficult because they are so even. The ones with more shape have more scope to find tone, lost and found edges etc which help to build up the 3D effect. You have done a great job in the drawing to find all the idiosyncratic bits of your leaf.

    • Thanks so much for your kind comments, Anne which raises a lot of points which is worth posting about separately.

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